Americans don't really care about soccer or world cup. For me, it was a spare couple of bucks. However, from here on in, I was a Fifa world cup fan for life.
The electricity in the air was like no other. A World cup final, does it get any bigger? Jerseys of Yellow or Blue. Beautiful Brazilian women all over the place. This was exciting.
With my security stint, I signed in pretty early for work that Sunday. As we walked in the Pasadena Rose Bowl, I got assigned to the parking lot. So not only was it a hot summer day and I was going to stand on the black asphalt, but I was going to miss the entire final. Screw that! I blended into the crowd, and after not being able to final a spot, I just left the stadium. After watching the match on TV and watching Romário lead Brazil to yet another Cup and Baggio choked in PKs, I came back to Pasadena to sign out and made sure I got paid for the hard work. Ole Ole Ole Ole -- Brazil!