I picked up a flyer for a poker tournament when I was in Vienna back in June on a tropical island. I stuffed the flyer in my pocket. And now here I am. Spent the first day watching television in the hotel with a cold. Next day, I was good as gold and decided to enter the Pot limit $200 multi rebuy event. About 2am, there I was at the final table with a bunch of big name Europeans and only American. I must of been the least experienced player on the table. I got a free sandwich, and everytime I went all in, I put the sandwich on top of the chips and shoved. Everyone liked that. After doubling up twice shoving with AAxx, I finally took a stand to chipleader bully
Ilari Sahamies AKA "Ziigmund" who raised pretty much every pot. I had a AKQx hand, flopped a K J x for top pair with straight outs, and faced a large bet from Ilari. Deciding to call, he flopped KJ for top two. No luck and I and the sandwich are out for
6th and close to 3k minus one top up and 1 rebuy for a profit of $2.1k. Why did I go to that strip club though? The rest festival was a lot of fun with 1 more cash in the $500 in 18th for $800 and a final table finish in the freeroll for nada. I attempted to go scuba diving but I had trouble decompressing. Ok snorking, lousy subway sandwiches. Cheap cigars and cigarettes. I bought a carton and I don't even smoke. Cheap
accomadation in great resort for the players. Saw touristy
Philipsburg one day. All in all, a break even trip and a lot of laughs with the Europeans.