Why Should I blog?

Isn't blogging stupid?

Isn't it just for people who have too much time?

There are so many professional writers out there, why read some amateur writing about their boring trip walmart?

In my rather unconventional life, I found few moments of true inspiration to do something, and about 10 minutes ago after hearing on NPR how this house wife started a blog, attracted lucrative sponsors, and now has a 2 book deal, an vast array of thoughts flurried to my head...

I don't necessarily want a book deal. I would not turn sponsors away, but here more clearly incenstives.

* I have lived an exiting life. Lots of travel and gamble. Friends always said I should write a book. So why not a blog?

* I would like to write someday. I have finished 3 scripts which are collecting dust. It's hard to wake up each day and just inspire yourself to write if you have no Studio financing you or pushing you. Blogging for a writer is good exercise. It's like going to the gym. If I neglect the gym, I easily get fat and lazy. If I neglect blogging, my writing will get fat and lazy too.

* David Duchovny's character in Californication is a bad ass rogue writer. Kind of inspiring in an asshole kind of a way.

* Lots of Americans or foreigners want to come to live or visit London. So I will share my insights with those.

* I watch a lot of movies (a lot) and would love to share my input. I would like to save people from wasting time watching crap, and help stumble upon the jewels you would of never heard from in the main stream.

* Finally, writing journals are healthy, and continually prove invaluable to oneself and maybe one day to others, but being 2008, blogging can reach millions over the net in seconds...and my journals won't burn in a fire either.

