Playing cards 12 a day, I am assure not necessarily in making money, but I am sure to have my run of characters.
Funny enough, when I got in Friday at Venetian, the first table I sat on, I put my large book bag under the table and was starting on setting up shop for the long grind ahead. Immediately a guy sits on my immediate left put his large book bag on the table, and he digging in there setting up shop. We both look at each other curiously. I take off me Red Manchester United jacket. He takes off his Red Aresnal jacket. So of course I say, now that's not the team you want to support as I point to my jacket. He smiles and said I needed to match my shoes as he points to his bright red addias. I laugh and said me too as I point to my red pumas. Then I say this is way too weird. We laugh.You wont' too many Americans wearing English soccer apparel. He asked where I was from, I reply my standard LA London, New York, Vegas. He says, I was from NY, but lived in England too and now lives in Vegas. And of course we had no overlaps in NY or England, but we both spent a lot of time in Germany for the World Cup. We talked about a lot....funny.
Morgan. A loud obnoxious kid comes to my $1-2 pot limit omaha table making all kinds of noise and throwing around a lot of chips. Of course he comes in raising every pot which usually doesn't scare PLO players. After what appears to be donking off about $1k to 2 players, he mentions his sports bet which I have an interest in since I had a similar bet. He mentions english soccer and we get to talking. Morgan was from Oregon. His grandparents were the original founders of Nike, and he likes boasting that he grew up with a heliport in his backyard. Unfortuanatly, his fathers 7 business have gone sour and they no longer have to helicopter. After having a 1540 SAT, he then went to 14 different universites and finally graduated Cornell. Instead of pursueing something meaningful, he's a poker player mainly online. Even though he has made hundreds of thousand of dollars, he's not proud of cards and wants to do something else. He continued to have double Chopin vodka cranberries but never appeared to slur or stumble. He played super aggressive and made loose calls, but even in big pots he still kept talking to me but knew where he was in the hand. He did shout out pretty loud in the poker room and even stood up saying, 'Manchester United is Gay', and 'Does anyone have a fag I can put in my mouth?' He ran his money about to close to $2k. not bad a $1-2 game. And having OCD, he must of counted his 100 stack about once every 5 minutes. We finally ate chinese at 2 in the morning strictly discussing script writing.....Charles Morgan Baily Wiper IV...what a character...
Finally Sunday night, I had a footballer player from the Galaxy Wayne on my left, and then some interesting stories came on the table. One guy had a big winning session of $86k in upstate NY. he was driving, and took some bridge which crosses the border from US to Canada. Now he was not going to Canada, but going trhough it was the fastest route to his NY city destination. The border patrol ask if he had anything to declare, he said no, they searched the car, found the loot, ran his record which he had a drug conviction 10 years ago and confiscated the money. Now he s entitled to the money, just he needs the lawyer to get it back for 33%. We all felt his pain...