Larry and his crew get into town. I thought London was fun cause everyone always passed by. Well living in Vegas is almost the same. Everyone does pass by, but they come to party. I start playing poker at Mandalay Bay while waiting for Larry. Some weirdo kid on my left keeps saying a bunch of weird stuff. Finally he gets beat with a set of 6s, looks totally freaked out, and pick up his chips at leaves saying that was the sign of the devil and it freaks him out. Larry roles along and we off to Tao at Venetian. Some vip friend was there, got all 8 guys in for free, got to Vip and had some table service. I saw the bill later coming to over 2k. They charge insane prices, cause crazy people pay for it. I am there with Winston, he says he's going to the toilet, he heads where all the employees good with glasses and garbage, and never see him again.
It's 3am, and the poker room is just below Tao. After sitting at the table for half and hour, that same weird kid from Mandalay shows up at my table. He's really drunk and slightly remembers me. We have some laughs. We talked liked we were good old friends. Someone asked me how long we have known each other, then he sees the board go 6 6 6, and freaks out, picks up his chips and leaves the table. He comes back and asked me if I was serious and wanted to go with him to this strip club. As I am ahead a total of $5, I say sure. His name is Moses. He's too drunk to drive, so I drive his car to Crazy horse 3. There are some weird girls working there as we stumble in at 5 45am. Moses a club promoter. I meet his crew there. He tells me if I need a job, no problem. Most gals at clubs come up to you say hi, what's your name, where you from, want a dance. Here, the first girl grabbed my hands and we start dancing. She says nothing to me for several minutes and leaves. Another gal comes up to me, kisses me on the cheek and walks away. Now some other girl who was on stage threw her dress somewhere and can't find it. I and about 3 other people were on all fours looking under seats and tables in a dark club for a small black dress. i gave up. Finally again, I am driving Moses car as he's blasting rap music and singing. This is exactly what you want to see at 7 in the morning as the sun is out.