156 players. 10k chips, 30 min levels. $160 buy-in. Everything was going according to plan for the first 5 hours. I even limped in with Aces in early position, it did not get raised, saw a flop 4 handed, flopped the Ace, turned a house, and got someone in trouble.
Ok. 22 players left, 18 get paid. with an average stack, folded around to me, I get QQ in the cut off, I just push. Button tanks, finally calls, doesn't shove. Donk French big blind calls too. Flop comes KJ8 rainbow, donk checks, button shoves. Donk thinks for 30 secs, then calls. Button has AK. Donk has 66. Turn come 6, table erupts. Button runs off crying.
I have played so many tournements, and I should of known to play it better. Most players would just shove. However, being so close to the money, I wish I could of limped, called a raise, saw a flop, then prob check or bet fold. Once in the money, I could shove in position with QQ or any 2 cards a like. I'd be free rolling. Of course that's just me, and we all play different.