A Monday in Vegas

After recuperating from this weekend's bachelor party of drinking clubs and clubs, It's Monday and where do I find myself at 6pm? At Rick's Cabaret . It's Monday night football, with free buffet and open bar. There are no girls there at the moment, but slowly they start to come in. 1 burger, 1 hot dog, 1o chicken wings, and 6 beers later, I make my way to Aria.

I go to Aria via Bellagio and see there is a corporate event, I see the name tags. The name tags are big, I tell them I am one of those people, boom. Bank is a great Venue, but the people are stuff corporate types. Criss Angel has party to release his new Magic kit. weird. I take my free drinks, shake hands with Criss Angel, and make my way to XS.

XS is at it's best on Industry night Monday. Some group finished their table service, and left their table and some alcohol. I took the table and invited some girls over for a drink. I love XS.

I was determined to go the Spearmint Rhino strip club because it was on the way home and I never go there. After turning down the hottest women, at least for dances, some rich idiot behind me spends the next hour throwing dollars in the air. As a result I walked out at 5am $13 richer. Only in Vegas, and probably, only me.
