8:45am i hate alarms. . .spinach, egg whites, and noodles.
9:56 brea mall. first public transport, bus 286 to pomona $1.25
10:30 next bus tranfer, 480 to claremont $1.25
11:55 greyhound station. free somehow
next bus to the strip. $7 24-hour pass.
6:00 venitian poker room. meet contact dave, we agree on dinner at 8. until then watch oregon cal football game, decide to take oregon at the half -13.5 for $10. ducks score 29 in the 2nd, cal 0. profit $9.10
8:00 grand luxe caffe.
with our poker comps, we order a tofu burger and chicken quesadilla. dave and i discuss boats, sea, poker, and correct seamanship career choices. after only spent $20 of our compt $30, we split dessert.$1 tip from me,dave adds the rest.

9:30 with my decaf venitian poker free coffee, i meet moses and company at palms restaurant in the ceasars forum. we plan for a club.
11 pm long line at Wynns Tryst,
but i am with 2 club host, so theres no line for us or cover. its a gin and tonic toast the 5 of us share. tina, tiffany, and al. not sure how, but i see moses put his drink down next to me and turn around ready to fight. i then look back and see some ragin dude being held back by 5 guys. what? Moses
for some reason poured ice in this guys face. So we jam across the room. our party spilts in half. a half hour more, we depart. standing infront of the club, as we're chillin out, the ragin guy out of nowhere huffs and puffs toward moses. he misses everthing. the cat and mouse game goes outside, security makes their presense known. away goes yellin ragin guy. black jack switch time for moses and queena.makers and coke time.

2:34. cosmopolitan.
we arrange to meet some gals, after a few drinks, its more gambling madness. moses gives craps lessons to the whole table.
hours go by. i m out.

5:45am. aiming at a 7:30 am bus back to la in sight, i get the deuce bus for downtown. 6:06 However, i try to kill some time at olympic gardens.
i prepare $2 handy just in case some stage gal needed some child support. local id, no cover. i spend the next 25 min with analoma on my lap laughin about nothing. i tell her i m going to the atm machine, clever gal sniffed me out and said, youre gonna leave aren't you. dam. 6:50am, waiting for the deuce bus and seeing sunrise.

7:30am, greyhound station. this place resembles skid row somehow mixed with the occassional lost european backpackeri.I even witness some crackhead get strecher out right in front of me as i was sitting on the floor on top of a girlie newpaper.a group of us are directed to the wrong door, we miss the bus. 9am. homebound