With a 8pm Chicago Dublin bound flight, the goal is to make tomorrow's beach vollyball. Orginally I was supposed to be there a day earlier and not much more money to spend on travel. However, in a addition to the $150 Aer Lingus is charging me, that's with a discount cause the manager felt bad for me, from Dublin to London for a morning flight which I bought just before boarding the plane was another $223. There goes all money $3.50/hr cruise money saved.
15 mins walk from the casino is the Horses Guard Parade where the game is just in front of Buckingham Palace. 2:20pm, passed metal detector, collected tickets, and I am sitting in my seat. I may be a little tired, but the excitement of the people, the electricity of the Olympics...it's on!
Said to be one of the most popular events this year and well worth the trip as far as I am concerned.
The usual suspects. Some drinks here, back to Dover Pub for more and vodka in the kitchen, back on the subway back to Soho as you just can't let a Thursday night in London go undone. Martin's choice of Cheapskate for students seems a bit humorous. Even funnier is getting back to Dover at 4am and deciding to sleep in a hostel bed. Kinda been a long day. Now thinking 11am start of tomorrow's Equestrian match.
So Dublin was a breeze connecting. London baby. I'm ecstatic to be home.
From Heathrow - tube - Leister Square. Drop off small back back at the Casino Coat room. Free. 1:49pm

After 3.5 Matches, I left at the beginning of Brasil Aus Match. No phone, so I must rely on other methods such as Skype and free wifi at a bookstore. From e-mails I find out everyone is at a Shoreditch bar. I don't even get my bag, I just go to the bar. No one even knew I was in town. Not even Rufus who I presume I will be staying at.
