Domoorigato mr roboto

6 hours is a pretty long layover. However since I have never really been to Tokyo, 
I was a great opportunity I wasn't going to miss.

Of course the airport is about an
 hour out of the city and the clean fast trains rt run about $60. I could only really
 elect to see one area, so I chose the famous bustle and commercial area of Shimbuya
 with the iconic crosswalk resident of Times Square. I planned to eat lunch there, 
but came to close on time and couldn't work the machine that took orders, so I had a
 Boba tea and ate the old sand which I brought from the Saipan hotel along with 2
vending machine ice creams. Always felt incomplete saying I never been to Tokyo,
 not anymore.
For a people stereotypically known for talking pictures, I notice several places 
picture taking was prohibited and some girls shy of having their picture taken. 
