Heroica Veracruz Mexico

Has anyone ever heard of Veracruz? How about Heroica?
What is that? I get a plane ticket to some destination
in a foreign country and I am supposed to work there, how would
you like that? Easy enough for me, once I get on the ship, it's all

After a short time in Heroica, I can't really get a sense of it.
The downtown is quite touristy, especially since the sporting games are
on now for all Central Americans. Souvenir shops, loud restuarants
with bands, families and children all over even late at night.
It's November, 75 degrees at night, and well I didn't get kidnipped,
so I guess it's not so bad here.

And even the app Tinder was ok for me as I had traditional Veracruz coffee
poured high with steaming milk with Alicia. Then a nice stroll near the
beach followed by some beers on the bar patio. I will be huurting at 5am for work
as I get to sleep at 1am.  
