It sounds profound, swimming with
whales. All the pictures look pretty cool, you with a whale behind you. However,
the experience is anything but fun and
also borderline cruel to animals.

You assume voyaging out miles into the
ocean. You imagine diving 10-20 feet
to see the whale/shark wondering the depths
of the ocean. You think mystical, serene, breath-taking
as you swim next to these tremendous creatures. But,
after finding your way into that mad house
kinda makeshift sorta table of on patio turned
office to sign up for the whale swim, you try to line
up in chaos of people when there is not really a line,
there isn't one person to talk to, maybe different
women who look confused, and of course you have to
ask around how to get out and how much as there is no
signs, no orginzation, no computers, no nothing. It's a bustling
business with an overwhelming demand, but think that would
lead them to be more effient and organized? The opposite. And
foreginers have to pay 3-4 times more. As for finally getting out
after so much mayhem 2 hours later, the whales are about
100 yards from the beach or 5 min kayak, the whales are so close
the the surface, and there is nothing profound about this
experience. There are about forty of so toursits in the water, 15
boat paddelers/picture takers. Instead of really swimming with the
whale, you just keep on submerging and trying to get to be in a cool
photo. The whale follows this boat which keeps feeding it. Chaos,
tourist trap, and animal cruelty. All of that for money you and
and also try to document.....