Six weeks of waking up at 3:30am, six days a week in cold-ass winter of south Maryland making breakfast for 100-150 people was for nothing due to the egg test fail. One of our assessments was to cook eggs over easy, medium, over hard, and an omelette. Of course my over medium had one perfect and one too runny and my hard was not hard enough. ...ok, I do it again 3 hours later. After breaking a yoke while flipping, I discarded the whole egg, started again, and messed up everything again. Black and white. Fail the assessment twice, go home. ......You'd think after making a thousand eggs for breakfast in the last month I would be pretty good at this.....No Stewart upgrade for me...Life sure has it's setbacks....My dreams of making desserts , salad bars, and breakfast will have to take a back seat. Back to making dinner and lunch.